
Ons is hier om jou te help om suksesvol te wees

Die mees omvattende plan

Ingenieurswese sonbeligting

Solar lamps turnkey project, our 50 engineers at your service

Commercial solar lighting

Blue ocean market, new opportunities in the future, differentiated route

Household solar lighting

It is suitable for shopping over purchase and Amazon selection

Ai intelligent lighting

Intelligente kenmerke is die toekoms


A sample delivery service, some areas we also have overseas warehouse

ODM & Agentskap

Meer as 17 jaar van OEM en ODM r&d ervaring

Warm verkoop produk

Welkom om aansoek te doen vir alleenagentskap

AI Smart & Commercial light & New Opportunities

Commercial Solar Light

Smart Solar Light

Nuwe Geleentheid

Smart Commercial Solar Light

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